
Relationship Intimacy Closeness and Jealousy

On the topic of marriage, famed poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran writes ”…stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow…”   There is no doubt that intimacy and closeness are essential characteristics of a successful… Continue reading Relationship Intimacy Closeness and Jealousy

Sustaining Desire

“I want to be your fantasy; Maybe you could be mine” Prince, Kiss 1986 Sustaining desire is easier said than done. The sense of mystery and excitement that we felt at the beginning of our relationship can be hard to hold on to. Often, what we want is what we feel like we used to… Continue reading Sustaining Desire

The Dilemma of Sexual Satisfaction

[sectiontitle1]Sex before Intimacy or Intimacy before Sex[/sectiontitle1] Despite strong feelings of sexual desire at the commencement of a relationship, these feelings tend to wane as the relationship goes on. As we settle in to our relationship, we become more familiar with our partners – they lose some of their mystique and with it, their power… Continue reading The Dilemma of Sexual Satisfaction

What Breaks Us Up?

Australian Divorce Statistics New relationships are full of excitement and glitter. Everything your partner does is endearing, you want to share every waking moment, you can’t keep your hands off each other. But inevitably, over time, the sparkle wears off and the risk of relationship breakdown becomes very real. Statistics reveal that up to 33%… Continue reading What Breaks Us Up?

Trouble Getting Pregnant

Trouble Getting Pregnant? The Stress of Trying to Conceive Having a baby is one of the most exciting events you will ever experience in your life. If you have trouble conceiving though, this wonderful time can be filled with stress and doubt – making conception even more difficult. Infertility can lead to feelings of loss,… Continue reading Trouble Getting Pregnant

How to Communicate Better

Communicating badly? Respectful listening is the key to relationship success. Whether you are fighting, or hardly talking, communication issues are probably the most common problem that couples bring to relationship therapy. And failed communication is most commonly at the heart of a myriad of other issues that couples bring to counselling. Do you: fight about… Continue reading How to Communicate Better


  1. Bradbury, T.N., Fincham, F.D., & Beach, S.R.H. (2000). Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62
    (4), 964–980. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3737.2000.00964.x.
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